Thursday, March 17, 2016

How does copyright law affect your use of technology in the classroom?

This week in class we learned about copyright law and how it affects the use of technology in the classroom. Copyright law is a big deal! Educator and students should know and understand copyright law so they will not get in trouble for when using materials that others have done. There are many ways to help element and manage copyright and giving credit to those who deserve it. Some of those are asking the original publisher if you could use their material and let them know if you use it you will give them the credit they deserve. Check out this sample:

Sample Copyright Permission Request Template
Dear [Name],
I am a student/staff at [name of school]. I would like to use [specific description of the material] in the following manner [specific description of how the material will be used]. Do you hold the copyright on this material? If you hold the copyright, may I have your permission to use your material in this way? If you grant permission to copy this material, I will properly reference your ownership by [describe how ownership will be referenced]. It need to have your answer by [date].
- See more at:

This will help eliminate and further wrong doing and will help from getting sued. Helping students to understand that their own work has rights and are valued is important too. This let's student recognize that what they do they take ownership and everyone should respect their work. Students will learn that although they should be recognize for their work they would not want someone to copy their work as their own will help them to see that it is not okay to copy people work and not give them credit for it. 

2007, The Copyright Society of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Check out these cool links:

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